It's December, so instead of a regular meeting, we hope that you will join us for the traditional MRFC Holiday Pot Luck Dinner on Monday, December 12th at Manatee County Fairgrounds Harlee Building, Palmetto, FL. General arrival 6:30 PM. At 7:00, a brief business meeting will precede the potluck dinner.
Please bring a salad, side, or dessert for about 15 people, and bring your own plates, cups, utensils, and drinks. The MRFC will provide the "protein" main dish of turkey and ham, along with water and sweet and unsweetened iced tea.
RSVP: To Sarah at mitchell8manatee@yahoo.comwith the number of people in your party, and what dish you plan to bring. Arrive around 5:30 pm if you can help set up,and please stay after to clean up.
If you would like to take part in a small gift exchange, bring a wrapped gift valued at $5 or less. Participants will be part of a white elephant exchange.